5 Esports Betting Strategies You Should Know | FIFO88 Casino Games

Best Esports Betting Strategies: A Step-by-Step Guide

Best Esports Betting Strategies. You Should Know

best Esports Betting Strategies in Malaysia  2023 is more popular as compared to the past years. So, here are some statistics that help you why you should spend on online esports betting in Malaysia.

In 2023, the esports marketing revenue is projected to reach $5.31m, and by 2027 it will reach up to US $ 8.47m. So it is the right time to invest your money as the number of users in the esports market is expected to reach 6.48m. The user penetration in 2023 was 15.4% and up to 2027 hit 18.5% and the average revenue per user is expected to US $1.03. That is why you have to invest in this industry to gain more profit.

Well, the question is to discover the best esports strategy according to the Malaysian market. So, if you are new, and looking to spend some time and revenue in the Malaysian esports market, or searching for esports betting inspiration for your own, then look no further than the right trusted and reliable platform fifo88 to discover the best 2023 Esports Betting Strategies that actually works.

Table of Contents

Best Esports Betting Strategies
Best Esports Betting Strategies

Matched Esports Betting Strategy

It is the most commonly used esports strategy by punters in Malaysia. This betting strategy takes advantage of bookmarkers, sign-up offers, and welcome bonuses. By the way, we at fifo88 Roundup have the best bookmarker promo codes, and signup offers, so you can enjoy the best esports-matched betting strategy.

In this less risk is associated, as you will defiantly receive at least some winnings. This bonus offer is for the particular esports match, so you can bet with your funds and gain the outcomes.

What Esports Games Can I Bet On?

In Malaysia, in the year 2023, there is a rise in esports betting as more and more bookies offer a wide range of esports markets for any punter to place wagers.

So discover the following esports CS: GO, League of Legends, Dota 2, King of Glory, and many more according to your choice as we at FIFO88 are committed to providing an extensive selection of esports. These names are pretty much used by the bookmaker, and growing, so what are you waiting for, join the FIFO88 to enjoy the esports action.

Some more esports like Fortnite, Valorant, Rocket League, and StarCraft, no doubt there are odds for you, but the esports marketing is rising and available to bet, so it is the right time to enjoy the benefits as we are offering large numbers of esports games where you can bet easily with proper security and safety.

So, more opportunities are coming soon, as in the upcoming time, some of the biggest operators will offer various esports marketers, and all are available for you at FIFO88

Make a decision right now with us as we provide the best esports bookmakers where you enjoy huge profits with respect to time in the year 2023.

Top Esports Betting Strategies in 2023
Top Esports Betting Strategies in 2023

Esports Betting Strategies

Prior to general betting strategies, there are a couple of alternative Esports Betting Strategies also available, and one of the famous is the 1.01 Esports Betting Strategies that no doubt you are not familiar with. So here is a detailed explanation of the 1.01 betting strategy for Malaysian punters:

1.01 bet is a special type of Esports betting strategy, which is used by Esports punters to reduce the risk while implementing their best on the Esports titles. Here is the idea behind this 1.01 bet strategy:-

The smaller the odds means on the best there is lower of risk losing out. The high odd is the return may not be enormous. If you remain consistence with a 1.01 bet strategy for Esports, then you can make a lot of wagers.

In a simple manner, the 1.01 Esports Betting Strategies is to odds on the Esports title. Ideally, we ensure that you can be sure and guaranteed regarding results in the Esports game. It means there is a 99% that you will definitely do with the bet. The risk is small, thus the returns are small also. So join FIFO88 Esports betting.

The 1.01 Esports Betting Strategies is placed on the Esports matches that are about to be complete and yes, you are sure that a certain player will make to win his or her team, so it is profitable in esports games.

Another best Esports Betting Strategies that you can use during betting is the pick-3 betting strategy. Of course, the name and it works like its name. If you wish to win your bet, then you have to choose three winners of consecutive matches. It offers Esports punters a chance to win big with a relatively small wager. It is also true, that many Esports punters lose using the pick-3 bet strategy because of a lack of effective pick-3. So if you are an experienced Esports punter, then join our FIFO88 Malaysia Online Casino and enjoy the profits in Esports betting.

That’s not over, you have to win with other esports betting strategies, i.e. handicapped betting. Let’s explore our handicapped betting esports strategy with a Football match explains: – Football match is between Team A and Team B. Team A is very strong to win the Game and is a favorite having odds of 1/10. Team B is not likely to be on the winning side, for team B there is off of 20/1.

The bookmakers offer a handicap market for Team B (+2) with odds of 1/1 and for Team A (-2) having odds of 2/1. Team A must have won by 2 goals or more if you wish you’re betting strategy to be successful.


So, what’s you’re thought on this? Is this God Esports betting strategy or not?

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